What You Should Know About Furnace Wear And Tear

Any mechanical appliance with moving parts will experience gradual wear and tear as it is used. Even the cleverest HVAC engineering cannot completely skirt the forces of friction, corrosion, and excess heat buildup.

Homeowners who have a solid understanding of furnace wear may be able to get several more years of service from their furnace. Here is a guide to what you should know about furnace wear and tear.

Effects of Furnace Wear and Tear

There are a few different ways that furnace wear may start to become apparent. Sometimes the signs can be hard to miss. For example, worn belts and bearings may make an alarming screeching noise when you run your furnace. The signs may be more subtle in other cases, such as an upward creep in your energy bill. This occurs as small defects add up in the components of your furnace that cause it to gradually lose energy efficiency.

Mitigating Wear and Tear

There's a lot you can do as a homeowner to reduce the strain on your HVAC system and extend the life of your furnace. Cleaning or changing your furnace filter each month is the most important task. A clean furnace filter will protect your furnace from dust that can cause overheating. A dirty furnace filter can also create an airflow bottleneck that forces your furnace blower to work harder.

Your vent registers are other key areas where you can promote good airflow and protect your HVAC system from dust. Clean your vent registers regularly to discourage dust buildup and mold growth, and make sure all the vents in your home are unblocked. These steps will allow your furnace to operate with the manufacturer-intended air balance while also protecting your home's air quality.

The Importance of Professional Repair

No matter how dedicated you are to DIY furnace maintenance, your furnace will still need occasional tune-ups from an HVAC professional to minimize wear and tear. Technicians can identify hidden component failures and electrical problems inside your furnace that would otherwise be impossible for the layperson to diagnose. In other words, professional repairs counteract the effects of furnace wear and tear, while DIY maintenance can only postpone them.

Furnace wear may be inevitable, but with the right know-how and some help from the pros you can help your furnace outrun the clock. Call a local HVAC contractor if you think wear and tear is keeping your furnace from running at its full potential. Contact a local heating repair service to learn more.
